Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Linking GAME Plan to NETS

The ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for students and teachers (NETS, 2007) are two lists of technology standards and performance indicators for teachers and students. When I compare these lists, I notice that they complement each other. For example, the student standard to be creative and innovative complements the teacher standard to facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity. The teacher may use the teacher standards to facilitate the student standards.

A teacher may use the GAME Plan model to facilitate mastery of these standards. The GAME Plan supports self-directed learning which means that learners are driven by their own desire and actions to learn something new. Self-directed learning can be divided into four steps called the GAME plan. The “G” stands for set goals, the “A” for take action to meet the goal, “M” for monitor progress towards the goal and “E” for evaluate if the goals were achieved and extend the learning (Cennamo, Ross & Ertmer, 2009). As an educator and lifelong learner, I need to continue my GAME plan to self-direct my learning towards integrating more technology into my content area with more confidence and proficiency. As I become more empowered in the use technology as part of my instruction, students will have the opportunity to learn and master the 21st century skills that ISTE supports.

Upon the completion of my problem-based unit plan, I want to use it in a science classroom. The unit will teach students the necessary content required by the state but will support NETS too. This will be another step towards a classroom that reflects 21st century learning.

Jennifer P.


Cennamo, K., Ross, J. & Ertmer, P. (2009). Technology Integration for Meaningful Classroom Use: A Standards-Based Approach. (Laureate Education, Inc., Custom ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.

National Education Standards (NETS) (2007). Retrieved from


  1. Jennifer,

    I think this class as well as the other classes we have taken are providing us with the knowledge needed to make our students successful, especially through technology use. I look forward to continuing my education and learning in this field as well. I know that our students will truly benefit from this.


  2. Jennifer,

    I agree that as teachers, it is important that we are lifelong learners. We want our students to become self-directed lifelong learners, so we need to be modeling this for them to see. One of the goals I created for my GAME plan was to continue to grow professionally in the area of technology in the classroom. This can be accomplished through peer collaboration, attending workshops, and seeking out other venues in which can help me to grow more as a professional. If my students know that I am constantly working to become a better teacher, this may inspire them to want to become a more diligent student.


  3. Linzie and Jonas,

    It is our goal to foster in our students the desire to be a lifelong learner. Using technology or any other tool to engage students is the hook that gets them started. Thanks for your responses!

